The blueprint of success

What is success and why is it so hard to gain it? Why some people are too much successful and some are not. Let's explore the scenario behind the formula of success. First, let's define what is success. Success is very difficult to define. You just can't define success in few words. Even the definition for a case may not work for another case. However, we can say some common parameters about success. Some people regard success as being rich. Though is can be applicable for many people, but only earning a lots of money is not being successful. As success is an abstract thing. success means whole lots than just money. Success is in fact the feeling of being content because of fulfillment of the needs. Need may be money, house, reputation, job, having lots of property, huge bank balance and power. However, achieving and fulfilling needs is not success. You are still unsuccessful if you have something to believe that you have not achieved your dreams. In turn, you will always keep thinking that you have to work more hard to achieve your dreams. This will make you feel not content. So, you will never fill successful with that feeling in your heart. So, in order to feel being content, you have to think that what you have achieved is OK, which makes you feel happy. Now, let come to the main topic. After all, what is the blueprint for success? Success does not have a global blueprint. It is only you who have to find what works for you. Yes, you should find what is going to make you successful. If you think others like your family, school, college, friends, boss or anyone one will help you to become successful, then you are wrong. They don't know what fits you right. It is only you who knows what is right to you. You should find your own path. Think what you are best in? Find what is the thing where no one can win you. Go after what you love. If you still don't find it, don't surrender. Keep on looking. If you really find something, get stick with it. Everyday, come up with a unique idea and make it happen in the real world. It is because only the person wins who can make it happen. Other only wishes something to happen but never does anything. If you really want to succeed, stick with what you love. Be in the right place and let the wave catch you. Everything will go magic than. You and your dream will be the only thing for destiny to deal with. Never, give up. Get up and ran again. If a person falls and never comes back, that guy will never come back. But if that person gets up and turns around to find his mistake and again runs, no one can stop him. Furthermore, your feelings and emotion also works. If you believe that you will become successful just by knowing trick of trade, you are wrong. You won't. Being success is the emotional feeling of being successful and content, not rich. That is something we all should know.

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